The feminist intervention uses interactive datavisualizations to explore the issue of where women disappear in society's image. In these visualizations we focused on creating a deeper understanding of the construction of motherhood and it’s associated role.
The misogynistic mentality of our society reproduces gender-stereotypical patterns. These patterns create an imbalance that forces us to make decisions in our professional and private lives out of a lack of alternatives. People who do not conform to the heteronormative image find themselves powerless in everyday situations. SIND GLEICH DA uses interactive data visualizations to show this imbalance. The visualizations undermine the argument "We already have equal rights" and generate data, pointing out the blind spots of equality. Eight exhibits form the core of the intervention focusing on partnership, gender bias, work and everyday life. Visitors are encouraged to participate in the exhibition by being asked targeted questions. We designed these questions to lead the participants to a deeper understanding of how they shape gender biases within their own lives. The exhibits therefore are focusing on creating an embodiment for the topics through the way of how they interact with them. The aim is to question established forms of representation and to have a mediating and transformative effect on the current social, normative situation.
The title of the exhibition “SIND GLEICH DA” refers to a german phrase parents use in situations where they want to prolong their childrens impatience and therefore a metaphor to our society's position on equality.